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Why I am unique, and how my environment affects this.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Emma post

So I was at home yesterday. It was Emma's two month checkup at the pediatrician. This meant, her first shots. Emma was born in a birthing center, so she hasn't had any immunizations yet. She just had the Vit. K shot. Then about a million heel pricks for bilirubin levels, and the horrible IV experience, but no immunizations yet. She was mostly cranky all day yesterday, when she wasn't sleeping, poor thing. When I left this morning, she was sleeping in her swing. The amazing thing is, she was 12lbs 14 oz, and 60 cm long. WOW!!! At two months! Martin was such a tiny thing, I don't have his measurements off the top of my head, but he was also below 50% on the charts, but Emma topped out at 95%. I have already put most of her newborn clothes away. I thought I would have another tiny baby, so I did buy a lot of newborn things, figuring that like Martin, she would be in them until summer. I had to put away all the little onesies, and her cute little footed jammies. She has more onesies, courtesy of Martin, but they aren't all cute and pink. My sister bought her a couple of footed jammies, and I have a few gift all-in-one outfits she can wear now, also. So that is the baby post. You would think I would have a appropriate photo to post, but we are bad, lazy parents who are taking their second child for granted and not taking pictures of her every other minute.


Blogger Mme.BlueWolfess said...

cool , she is getting big:)

3/24/2006 07:26:00 PM


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